Virtual Classroom On Demand
6/2021 – Present
Proposed the concept of Virtual Classroom On Demand Pilot Program where the On Demand team could learn fast, and analyze the actual in-market data. These Virtual Classroom On Demand courses feature recordings of Live Virtual Classroom sessions taught by our expert Instructors. The Virtual Classroom On Demand project is an integral component of L&D’s 3-year strategic initiatives. 3 in FY22 and beyond. VCOD brings our high-quality content to a broader more global market without the limitation of time zone while reducing operational costs associated with Live Courses. Surpassed seat-sold goal of 115 seat sales 3 months ahead of schedule.. NPS score is 48 which is 38.3 points higher than our On Demand average.
01/2020 – Present
Integrated Search Engine Optimization into L&D product strategy beginning in early 2020 by Standardized L&D Product Names (Live, On Demand, Self Study, etc) based off monthly search volume data. Implemented a Messaging document in order to ensure communication to all key stakeholders. Followed up with the optimization of 25 of our top selling product pages. These 25 pages saw 63% increase in organic sessions. Next identified 3 key items to be addressed on all product pages: Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions and infusing keywords within pages. After implementing these changes to approximately 120 pages pages, session views increased 49%. Expanded with more off-page SEO techniques such as creating collection messaging pages and listicle articles as well as other technical SEO improvements. L&D’s search engine optimization continues to be a critical component of L&D’s strategy as it accounts for 50% of L&D web traffic.
Updated Course Survey
07/2021 – 12/2021
In July 2021, launched a streamlined Course Survey, reducing the existing survey to 20 questions and also making some optional. Ensured the questions centered on understanding the course content, instructors and specifically how to improve the learner experience. The results were a significant increase in survey completion rate: Q2 had a 73% completion rate (a 25% increase from the quarter before). Additionally, the average time to complete a survey dropped from 14.5 minutes to 7.2 min for Virtual Classroom courses and 10.4 down to 7.1 min for all formats. The increased completion rate not only resulted in more qualitative feedback to continuously improve courses but, also secured additional data to utilize in L&D’s Product Sunsetting exercise.
ASME Virtual Classroom Product Launch
03/2020 – 1/2021
In March 2020, our ability to hold in-person programs was significantly affected by COVID-19. In Person programs were being cancelled and we needed an alternative solution. Kicked off the development of a new product to solve for this immediate customer need. The solution was to build an online learning environment where instructors feel comfortable delivering their courses, while students received the same high-quality level of instruction. The Benefits to L&D were decreased cancellations, decreased overhead and increased registrations. Created and delivered unified messaging around ASME Virtual Classroom, including its unique value proposition, developing the initial offering including features/benefits. Published L&D’s first graphically designed product messaging pages inclusive of messaging videos related to the product. Handed off the product to the Live Learning team after taking the product throughout the initial stages from prototype, trial production, testing, training, to marketing and launch. Virtual Classroom continues to evolve and thrive as a successful product.
MakerBot Certificate Program
12/2017 – Present
Created a training and assessment-based certificate program built for educators who want to take their 3D printing knowledge to the next level in education. Participants master the concept of 3D printers and learn to integrate the full power of 3D Printing into their classroom through either self-paced online courses or blended in-person workshops. Established a business model and go to market strategy for the program. Partnered with NYCDOE, run a beta program and iterate based off feedback. Worked with various stakeholder including development work in creating single sign on and e-commerce integration, sales teams, and operations.
MakerBot Educators Guidebook
1/2017 – 9/2017
Co-author and project leader of the Makerbot Educators Guidebook. Worked with a team to create a definitive guide to 3D printing which hosted 9 teacher tested lesson plans which help to incorporate 3D printing into the classroom. Acted as an integral member of a team of designers, participated in art direction, change management, publishing, marketing and distribution of the book.
Partner Relationship Management Sales Tool
12/2016 – 2017
Lead a team of interdepartmental subject matter experts in the creation of a new platform that would provide partners with one unified voice by eliminating disjointed communication set to address certain challenging in the distribution channel including low partner engagement, under utilization of related data points, and a lack of centralized location for partner resource.
MakerBot University (Docebo – Learning Management System Design & Launch)
10/2015 – 5/2016
Project leader for establishing a brand new Learning Management System while providing online and in person training and maintaining a seamless user experience. Provided the instructional design and create engaging training content while collaborating with subject matter experts ensuring that users meet expected outcomes. Encouraged adoption using data analytics and reporting through a Salesforce CRM API.
Academic Video Resource Initiative – Kaltura Open Source Video
6/2013 – 10/2015
Project leader for the planning and implementation of a cutting-edge steaming video resource system which encompasses the following features: multi-platform solution, multiple video sources, variable speed playback, appliances with Full HD capture and automatic upload, automated scheduling, web-based editing, detailed analytics.
Project-Based Learning Small Group – Interactive Classroom Design
1/2013 – 9/2014
Planned and executed the arrangement and coordination of the classroom design of an active learning environment. In addition to researching and procuring new and innovative technology, directed a team in the implementation of iPad as educational tools, using the Apple Institution Deployment model.
PACT Clerkship Director Program
11/2012 – 12/2013
Acted as an integral member in the (PACT) Partnership for the Advancement of Clinical Training program. Organized and provided newly appointed clerkship directors with in-depth workshops which included instruction on iPad mobile devices, academic web resources, student instructional applications and basic data backup, safety and security.
Occupational Therapy Skype Home Visit Project
10/2012 – 06/2012
In conjunction with the Institute for Clinical Competence and the Department of Occupational Therapy, conceived and employed a system in which students could simulate an at home visit with their occupational therapy patients. Students and simulated patients communicated via Skype using Samsung Galaxy tablet devices, which provided a visual home visit elevating the level of communication between student and patient.
Inkling e-textbooks
08/2012 – 12/2013
Assisted in the coordination of the implementation of NYIT COM’s e-textbooks system, which supports and promotes a seamless academic continuum of our medical education. Participated in the training of students and faculty, which facilitates increased usage of these foundational medical textbooks as an integral component of medical education with usage potential into the student’s residency and practice years.
07/2012 – 09/2013
Put into action an online gathering place where students can ask, answer, and explore 24/7, under the guidance of their instructors. Oversee the implementation, in addition to, training NYIT COM faculty on the system in which students, as well as instructors, easily answer questions, manage course materials, and track student participation.
Art Therapy iPad Project
6/2012 – 06/2013
Working in conjunction with Hofstra University and North Shore – LIJ Medical Center, part of a skilled team studying the experience of chemotherapy for those diagnosed with colon cancer. Devised a system to distribute iPads with a variety of artist applications to individuals in the study. Using the Apple Volume License Program, the Apple Configurator, Google Docs and Forms, and Dropbox, created a seamless system for distribution, tracking and monitoring patient activity and engagement.
Lecture Tools
02/2012 – 06/2013
Implemented and administered a presentation tool designed to enhance communication between faculty and students prior and during lectures. Guiding faculty in the process of importing their PowerPoint, enhancing their presentations with Interactive Slides, coaching them in interacting with students and receiving feedback prior to lecture (via various types of Question Slides) in addition to, coaching faculty in presenting in the Lecture Hall. Evaluating the software for user interface design flaws and working with the vendor in order to properly implement changes and recommendations.
Mahara e-portfolio
2/2012 – 09/2014
Plan, implement and administer an ePortfolio system, which allows for self-presentation, self-assessment and external assessment. Created templates, as well as, a structure for all NYCOM faculty members to present their ePortfolios to the annual Reappointment and Promotion Committee. Scheduled and trained all NYIT COM faculty members on the benefits and functionality of the Mahara software, while monitoring administrative progresses.
12/2011 – 01/2012
Instrumental in the roll-out of ExamSoft, an item banking, online testing, scoring and reporting system. In addition to being an NYIT COM ExamSoft site administrator, trained applicable staff and faculty members. Established a system for the creation of items, exams, scoring and posting of exams. Trained and implemented a successful technical support team and solution including staff and student proctors. Participated in providing technical support to all NYIT COM students.
LEAD Framework Project – and Training
9/2011 – 06/2013
Participant in the NYIT COM Learn Everywhere Anytime Digital (LEAD) framework Project: A major initiative to make all NYIT COM academic and administrative resources available and accessible over mobile clients. Evaluating NYIT COM instructional applications and resources for opportunities to promote accessibility. Evaluating various tablet devices, as well as, educating the entire NYIT COM community on the selected tablet devices.
Deployment Solution
12/2009 – 6/2010
Investigate the proper Deployment Solution for the organization. Implement the most streamlined solution. Thoroughly test chosen solution (SysPrep) and create the proper documentation for image roll-out. Create various images and test for functionality. After testing phase is complete, apply a smooth transition and train all staff in the new deployment methods.
Microsoft Exchange e-mail switch-over
09/2009 – 06/2010
Migrate the entire staff and faculty of the organization to a new e-mail system. Coordinate the upgrade of users currently using Sun/iPlanet and a Thunderbird e-mail client to Microsoft Exchange Server. Identify the best migration software application and implement within a specified time period. Deadline was met and user satisfaction was highly favorable.
Microsoft Office ’07 Roll-out
05/2009 – 09/2009
Roll out Microsoft Office ’07 to all NYCOM Employees. The software upgrade required an analysis of current systems and a large amount of coordination with departments in order to cause the least disruption in work-flow. Arranged for group trainings to ensure that all employees are properly prepared for upgrade prior to roll-out.
Echo 360 Streaming Video Project
01/2009 -10/2009
Created an updated streaming video server such that any and all lectures delivered to a NYCOM class can be recorded to streaming video in a flash format and made available to students as video on demand for review and reinforcement. These archived lectures have made this site a very powerful and popular NYCOM academic resource and this project filled a high demand for mac compatibility on campus.
Document Scanning Project
07/2008 – 07/2009
Plan and implement a system that would allow for all NYCOM employees to scan and archive all documents. Surveyed the needs of employees. Implemented a system based on these needs including ease of use, backing up documents and search-ability. Procured and installed all servers and software systems. Implemented system and trained employees.
Altiris Service Management Solution Implementation
07/2008 – 09/2009
Review the possibility of integrating a Deployment Console solution into NYCOM’s infrastructure. Analyze and evaluate software solutions. After extensive Altiris training, manage a team of 3 while installing and implementing Altiris on over 200 PCs. In addition, trained staff in Deployment Console applications, such as creating and deploying jobs, reporting, and monitoring.
Student Webboard Project
4/2008 – 07/2009
Created a community forum solution for NYCOM students, staff and faculty, using VBulletin. Procured hardware and software licenses. Managed and installed hardware and software. Communicated with staff and student body regarding new system and protocol. Established a website as a hub for information and discussion.
Active Directory Domain Project
07/2007 – 06/2009
Managed a team of technical support specialists in migrating over 200 PCs from a local workgroup to a Active Directory domain. Created and maintained image models for 10 Dell Optiplex PCs. Documented all materials surrounding the project. Trained and informed users, while ensuring minimal disruption in daily routines.
Patient Encounter Log Project / Student PDA Project
07/2006 – 10/2007
NYCOM has provided all students with PDAs in their third year. While on clinical rotations, the students use these PDAs as a reference resource and for several applications. After joining this project, my major responsibilities included creating and implementing formal installation instructions, student training sessions and staff documentation. In addition, scheduled and held various trainings for over 300 students, per year. Managed and supervised staff members to assist and troubleshoot student issues.